Tuesday, September 25, 2007

First Thoughts: Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl is the new show on The CW. This one is about a bunch of rich snobbery kids who go to a rich boarding school and who's parents are more messed up then they are. The kids even get into relationships and wear things based on what their parents tell them so that their clothing line or connections won't die out. I found myself actually liking the show except for the creepy stalker narrator called Gossip Girl. Apparently there's this site caled Gossip Girl and she blogs (and her blogs are narration for the show) and her blogs are the first thing everyone checks to know what's going on in the lives of these rich snobs. People are treated based on what Gossip Girl says about them. So that's a really creepy part of the show but besides that it's a fun little show about teenagers who are supposed to be too grown up for their age and what they have to do it about it. Of course since this is the CW the actors and actresses are all way too pretty, and probably don't know how to act, but that's what we come to expect from our fun lovin station CW. This series is based off of a novel franchise which I'd never heard of until the show, so I'll see how the show pans out and will probably end up holding a secret love for the lame show.


ahem. said...

Gossip Girl is actually voice by Kristen Bell (formerly of Veronica Mars), which is coincidentally what convinced me to watch the pilot. Though I agree she is a bit ominous sounding. I'll probably follow it from a distance. If the show keeps up a decent storyline, I'll watch it, otherwise it will fade unnoticed into the background of my television experience.

trackgeek said...

Its based on a series of teen novels... need I say more...